MongoDB query results are stored in cursors that provide a range of functions for filtering, aggregation, and sorting including limit(), skip(), sort(), count(), distinct() and group(). MongoDB查询结果存储在提供过滤、聚合和排序等一系列功能的游标中,包括limit()、skip()、sort()、count()、distinct()和group()。
The only one implemented here is limit, which restricts the count of records returned. 这里实现的唯一选项是限制,该选项限制返回的记录的计数。
The HTTP specification places the limit at 4 KB, and this is all you can count on. HTTP规范将其限制为4KB,这就是您所能利用的所有空间。
The business enterprise's investment management usually limit at to investment department or finance department in practice, and emphasize the investment's technique the analysis, But in fact successful investment management will never pure count on the work of a certain section and the precise technique analysis. 实践中企业的投资管理往往局限于投资部或财务部,强调投资技术性分析,但事实上成功的投资管理决不单纯依赖于某一个部门的工作和精确的技术性分析。
The rate of exceeding allowable limit of total bacterial count of air in treatment room was 33.3% ( 4/ 12) and this was also severe in department of geriatrics and depart-ment of digestive disease. 治疗室空气细菌总数超标率为33.3%(4/12),亦以老年病科和消化内科为严重。
However, not much research on other indexes of spinning yarn quality such as limit count, slubs, and neps were conducted, especially in China. 对其它的成纱品质的质量指标如可纺支数、粗节、棉结等的预测模型研究的比较少,尤其是国内的相关报道就更少。
The card is developed based on ISA bus of conventional PC and it integrates PID control, 12_bit DAC conversion, multiple_cards simultaneous operation, timed interruption and watchdog timer protection, limit processing, pulse multiple count and multiple interruption management, etc. 基于通用PC机的ISA总线的伺服控制卡集PID控制、12位DAC转换、多卡同时操作、定时中断和监视定时器保护、限位处理、码盘倍频计数和多重中断管理等功能为一体。
The results showed that the average rate of exceeding allowable limit of total bacterial count on hands of children before entering the kindergartens every day was 43.20% and that after entering the kindergartens was 36.10%. 结果,幼儿园儿童手在每天入园前手上细菌总数平均超标率为43.20%,入园后细菌污染超标率平均为36.10%;
Because the automation controls a technical fast development and calculator network of extensive applied, the traditional control equipments method exists an oneself to limit sex, developing efficiently of auto control and management system, speed produce information-based have count for much meaning. 随着自动化控制技术的快速发展和计算机网络的广泛应用,传统的控制设备方法存在着自身的局限性,开发高效的自动控制及管理系统,加快生产信息化具有非常重要的意义。